This Rooftop Tent was made from recycled wedding tent cloth called Serge Ferrari. I chose this fabric because it is durable and will not stain. For the rainfly I chose the same material, and installed two skylights.
The frame was bought on eBay and is made by Tepui Tents. Without knowing the dimensions for the tent, I used a X-Ray Scanner from work and also hand measured the Frame.
Those measurements went onto AutoCAD where I then developed the fabric work through a software called MPanel. This is the same software which is used to design wedding tents.
Then the 3D objects had to be turned into 2D Patterns for Patternsmith
Once In PatternSmith, I was able to decide which panels needed certain seam allowances. The green lines indicated what the cutter needed to draw and the red lines indicated what the cutter needed to cut.
This is the Tepui Rooftop Tent frame in the Image above
This is the Cutter in the Image above
I was able to finish this project by using this on a weekend trip up in Acadia National Park. Just in time for the foliage!